Structured Water – PART ONE



The Introduction

Have you ever thought about water? Ever wonder about it?
You know, that clear innocuous substance that we must all drink and use everyday just to live?


Water is simple by design consisting of only two atoms, Hydrogen and Oxygen. Yet it is the most complex in function of all substances on the earth. It is also the most abundant. Indeed, your own body is composed of almost 70% water by volume! Water is nature’s best solvent, meaning that more substances will dissolve into water than any other substance on the earth. That’s very important because the only way that water can carry the nutrition into our cells, while removing the waste materials the cell produces, is if the various substances are first dissolved in water. That is just one of the many functions of water and the only one that most scientists and doctors recognize.​

Where Does Fresh Water Come From?

With all due respect for those now promoting the “Primal Water” theory that the earth itself has been making trillions of gallons of fresh water every day out of solid rock since the beginning of time, no new water has been made since the world began. So, because there is no new water being produced on or even deep within the earth (as the Primal Water theory goes), the precious water that is here must be constantly cleansing and renewing itself. It accomplishes this miraculous feat through what is known to science as the Hydrologic (or water) Cycle in an exquisite interplay between the two physical actions of evaporation (gaseous) and condensation (liquid), as can be seen depicted in the diagram below:

Water is a dynamic medium, continually changing from liquid, to solid, to gas. As it cycles from its gaseous phase in the atmosphere to its liquid and solid forms on the earth, it provides life for the entire earth. The total amount of water on the earth and in the atmosphere has been calculated to be between 1.3 and 1.4 billion km3 (cubic kilometers). That’s a lot of water!

As stated above, the total volume of water never changes – it merely recycles. Three quarters of the surface of the earth is covered by oceans, comprising 97.2% of the total water volume on earth. 2.15% is in the form of ice and .001% is included in the atmosphere which envelopes the earth. Of all the water that continually cycles and recycles on the earth’s surface, only a small percentage is actually available for our use as fresh water.

Usable water includes underground aquifers and above-ground rivers, lakes, streams and marshes, comprising only .65% of the total water on the earth. The precious water that is here must continually cleanse and renew itself through the Hydrologic Cycle spoken of above. It evaporates from the oceans, seas, lakes and rivers and moves through the atmosphere traveling on wind currents. As the cycle continues, vapor in the atmosphere ultimately changes form and falls to the earth as rain or snow – ending up in rivers and oceans to begin the cycle all over again.

The vast amount of water which comprises our oceans plays an important role in stabilizing the climate, making our earth’s atmosphere hospitable for all life. Land that is closer to the ocean is subject to less frequent shifts in weather because water also acts as an environmental shock-absorber. This is the reason for milder climates along the coastal regions. Heat from the sun is absorbed by the water and temperature changes are confined to a narrower range. Since the specific heat of water (or a substance’s resistance to temperature change) is so high, climatic changes near the oceans are not nearly as extreme. Temperature changes from day to night are minimal along the coast compared to day to night fluctuations in the desert where there is little water.

In nature water movement is an indicator of energy and purity. Water that is moving is generally better than the stagnant water found in reservoirs or from public water sources. Turbulent water contains considerable amounts of oxygen and minerals and it is highly energized.

​In addition to the Hydrologic Actions mentioned above, water is also exposed to, cleansed and energized by the multiple actions of friction, sunlight, electromagnetism, scalar energies and motion (in the form of spinning or vortexing). I will be discussing more about the beneficial effects of these external stimuli on water later on in this article.

Water’s Importance for Life

On a smaller scale than the earth’s Hydrologic Cycle, but in a similar manner, water circulates through all living organisms: plants, animals and human beings, and they all utilize water for very important and specific reasons. In the living organism, water delivers nutrients and oxygen and discharges metabolic wastes. The amount of water that goes into any organism is the same amount that is expelled and the cycle does not stop as long as the organism is alive and healthy.

About 70% of the adult human body is composed of water, and there are a hundred times as many water molecules than the total amount of all other molecules in the body put together. 80% to over 90% of our blood and 75% of muscle tissue is comprised of water, and water makes up about 66% of the weight of our cells. As for the water inside the human body; ideally, 60% is found inside the cells (intracellular), and the remaining 40% is situated outside the cells (extracellular).

In order to live, you must drink between one to three liters of water every day because the water which makes up most of your body is involved in thousands of bodily functions. The saliva you use to begin digestion and to swallow is composed mostly of water. The movement of your muscles is only possible because they are mostly water and because they receive their instructions via nerve impulses which are transmitted in water. As human beings we can actually survive for many days or even weeks without food, but if we go without water for even just three or four days we will suffer some very dire consequences. When water is lacking, even slightly, all types of illnesses can and do occur.

Water acts as a solvent, a solute, and a reactant, and that is VERY important. Water is actually considered by many to be the universal solvent for life and is referred to by Nobel Laureate A. Szent-Gyorgy as “the matrix of life”. Water serves as the solvent for sodium chloride (salt) and other vital substances so that the chemical makeup of the fluids of our bodies is very similar to sea water. It is a well-known fact that human blood closely resembles the chemistry of the ocean. In other words, the human body is like the earth and it carries an ocean within it. This allows the human body to resist temperature changes even when environmental temperatures are extreme in a manner very similiar to how the ocean regulates the earth’s climate, as stated previously. It also performs as the solvent for the electrolytes and nutrients needed by the cells, as well as the solvent to carry waste material away from the cells. It also serves to transport the red blood cells needed to carry oxygen to the cells. With cells bathed in the interstitial fluid, the mechanical functions of osmotic pressure and diffusion supply the needed water itself to the cells. When more complex mechanisms control the transport of molecules across the membranes into and out of cells, the presence of water as the surrounding medium and solvent is essential.

Water also hydrates important ​biological macromolecules (particularly proteins and nucleic acids) that determine their three-dimensional structures and hence, their biological functions. Water ionizes and allows easy proton exchange between molecules which contributes to the richness of the ionic interactions in biology. Within living systems, everything happens in water.

The Molecular Structure of Water

As stated above, water is composed of only two atoms – Hydrogen and Oxygen. But do not let that seeming simplicity fool you, as you will soon see.

All the atoms that exist in the world consist of a nucleus (protons/neutrons) that is surrounded by one or more electrons orbiting around the nucleus. Because the electrons are traveling at speeds approaching the speed of light, their orbits more closely resemble “clouds” rather than clearly defined pathways. Within these clouds are layers or “shells” (or orbits) of electrons. The first electron shell contains one orbit which can accommodate up to two electrons. When the first electron shell is complete (meaning that it contains two electrons), it is stable and less likely to react. The second electron shell can contain up to eight electrons with four different orbits of two electrons each. Like the first shell, it is most stable when it is complete – in this case with eight electrons (known as “the octet rule”). The number of electrons in the outer shell (which is called the valence shell) determine the chemical reactivity of atoms. Atoms are only satisfied or “happy” if they have a full outer electron shell, which means that they will do whatever it takes to gain or lose electrons in order to complete their outer shell. The number of protons (known as the atomic number) determines what element an atom is. The number and location of electrons in their respective orbits determines how an atom behaves.

As you can see from the simple diagram below, the hydrogen atom, being the first element on the periodic table, contains only one proton and one electron. This leaves one vacant spot in its first and only electron shell. The proton (red) carries a positive charge and the electron (blue) carries a negative charge. Because the positive and negative charges cancel each other out, the entire hydrogen atom is neutral in charge.

Here is what a hydrogen atom looks like.

And here is what an oxygen atom looks like.

It has eight positively charged protons and eight neutrons in its nucleus with eight electrons spinning around the nucleus in two different orbital levels or “shells.” The yellow colored neutrons are neutral in charge and do not contribute to the net charge of the water molecule. In order for the outer shell of the oxygen atom to be completed, it would need to aquire two more electrons for a total of eight electrons. In water (H2O), these two additional electrons are provided by the two hydrogen atoms sharing their electrons with the oxygen atom. Whenever two or more atoms share electrons to form a bond between them, the bonds they form are called “covalent bonds.”


The very tiny water molecule is shaped like a triangle. The blue sphere is the oxygen atom and the red spheres are the two hydrogen atoms. The rods between the oxygen and hydrogens represent the molecular bonds.

Think of the bonds as springs that can be bent and stretched to store information and excess energy (more about that later in the explanation about how our water structuring units work).

As seen in the diagram below, when the hydrogen and oxygen atoms come together to form the water molecule, the ten electrons pair up into five “orbitals”, one pair closely associated with the oxygen atom in its inner shell, two pairs (lone pairs) associated with the oxygen atom as “outer” electrons, and two pairs forming each of the two identical oxygen-hydrogen covalent bonds I spoke of above

Each water molecule is electrically neutral but polar, meaning that the centers of positive and negative charges are located in different places on the molecule. Due to the relatively large positive charge from the eight protons in the oxygen atom’s nucleus (8+) and the closeness of its electrons, the oxygen atom has a stronger attraction to all the electrons (i.e. is much more electronegative) than the hydrogen atoms with one proton (1+). This results in a charge transfer from the hydrogen atoms towards the oxygen atom. Hence, the polarity of the water molecule makes the oxygen end of the molecule partially negative and the hydrogen end partially positive.

Many of the physical and chemical properties of water are due to its structure. The atoms in the water molecule are arranged with the two hydrogen-oxygen (HO) bonds at an angle of about 105° rather than being on directly opposite sides of the oxygen atom. The asymmetrical shape of the molecule arises from a tendency of the four electron pairs in the valence shell of oxygen to arrange themselves symmetrically at the vertices of a tetrahedron around the oxygen’s nucleus. The two pairs associated with covalent bonds holding the hydrogen atoms are drawn together slightly, resulting in the angle of 105° between these bonds.

Hydrogen Bonding

From the pictures and explanations above you already understand that the water molecule as as whole has a positive and a negative side. As we all know, opposites attract. Same thing with molecules of water. Under optimum conditions, the water molecules attract one another in precise geometric patterns called “clusters,” with the positive end of one water molecule lined up with the negative side of another water molecule. This attraction is called the “electric dipole,” that is described in more detail below.

The electric dipole gives rise to attractions between neighboring opposite ends of water molecules, with each oxygen being able to attract two nearby hydrogen atoms of two other water molecules. Such hydrogen bonding, as it is called, has also been observed in other hydrogen compounds. Although considerably weaker than the covalent bonds holding the water molecule together, hydrogen bonding is strong enough to keep water liquid at ordinary temperatures, even though its low molecular weight would normally tend to cause it to be a gas at such temperatures.

Various other properties of water such as its high specific heat are due to these hydrogen bonds.As the temperature of water is lowered, clusters of molecules begin to form through hydrogen bonding (as seen in diagram represented by dotted lines), with each molecule being linked to others by up
to four hydrogen bonds and each oxygen atom tending to surround itself with four hydrogen atoms in a tetrahedral (or four sided) arrangement.

Oxygen atoms in the tetrahedral clusters then begin to bond with hydrogens in other tetrahedral clusters which then gives rise to the hexagonal shape of the snowflake that we all know so well.

Because water molecules form these hydrogen bonds with neighboring water molecules, water has some very unusual anomalies that can be read about in the following sections.

So What is Structured Water?

“Structured Water” is another term for water in its natural state that has not been subjected to the damaging effects of the modern phenomena of pipes, man-made electromagnetic frequencies and toxic chemicals.

Modern science and technologies have done more to injure, alter and contaminate water than at any time in the history of man.

Current methods of treating and transporting water only serve to further corrupt, de-energize and ultimately destroy water’s many amazing, life-enhancing qualities.

Above is a picture of damaged water taken from a polluted reservoir in Japan. See that it has no identifiable molecular structure.

And here is the same water after it had been molecularly enhanced. Look at the difference! Now just ask yourself, which water would you like to drink?

Below is a depiction of a typical snowflake exhibiting the perfect 6 pointed geometric hexagonal (or six sided) configuartion we all know.

But in actuality, there is no such thing as a “typical” snowflake because each one is different in form and shape from all others – yet another fascinating mystery of the miracle we all know as water…

In the picture below you can easily see the hexagonal geometric pattern in an actual cluster of healthy water. It is this pattern that gives rise to the six points of the snowflake shown above.

But before going any further, let us first explain what structured water is. Some people, when they hear the term “structured water”, think of the structure of water as the molecule of “H2O” (water) explained above. H2O is only describing the chemical structure of the three atoms which make up the individual water molecule itself. When we talk about “structured water”, we are referring to the arrangement or configuration of the individual H2O molecules in relation to each other when they become organized to form a repeating, geometric, molecular pattern. When that happens, then water becomes a liquid crystal and it is this liquid crystalline form of water that is referred to as “structured” water.

To help you understand a little better – every one of the earth’s minerals has a crystalline form. Diamonds are crystalline carbon and emeralds are crystalline beryllium. The difference between a diamond and carbon is the way the atoms are organized or structured. Each crystal has a specific structural pattern which gives them their unique characteristics. Minerals form crystals when external forces or energy cause the atoms to form an organized, repeating, geometric pattern. Most people know that a diamond is formed by extreme pressure because the pressure forces the carbon atoms to arrange themselves into a different geometric configuration to withstand the pressure.

Most people only think of H2O as being in a crystalline form when it is existing in its solid phase as ice. But numerous scientific studies have have now proven that there is a liquid crystalline form of water as well. But unlike the rigid molecular configurations of atoms in solid crystals such as diamonds, the structured water molecules remain mobile and fluid, yet they move together in a coherent way similiar to the joyful murmuration of starlings.

The only way many of the properties of water can be explained is by understanding that structured water has a very unique molecular configuration which does in no way adhere to the generally accepted laws of physics. But understanding of this “fourth phase of water”, as Dr. Gerald Pollack describes it, gives us a more holistic view of why water acts in the way it does.

To summarize what we have discussed so far, water’s crystalline structure is based on tetrahedral geometry where oxygen atoms form the center of each tetrahedron. Under ideal circumstances, as these water tetrahedra begin to join together a repeating hexagonal pattern is created with oxygen atoms forming the vertices of each hexagon as depicted below.

What Makes Structured Water So Special?

Water does many other seemingly miraculous things, many of which we still do not really understand. However, in order for water to accomplish its other equally important tasks, it must be properly aligned or “organized,” as I just showed above.

It would be natural to think that the structure of water can not be altered or organized. However, we can see by common everyday observation that it can be (and is) altered by nature all the time.

For those still inclined to be sceptical of the changing nature of water, we offer you the following nine of over 70 anomalous points to ponder. As you consider these easily observed behaviors of water, you may find that your preconceptions of what water is and what it does are seriously challenged.

The True Essence of Structured Water

Before going deeper into this section, I thought you might enjoy this simple but very informative little video about how water actually nourishes your body.

Most of us know deep down inside that clean, natural water is better for us, and that spring and rainwater are the best waters of all. In fact, every farmer knows that rainwater is better for his crops and livestock than irrigation water. The reason is simple. Rainwater falling from the sky is refreshed, energized and transformed by the rays of the sun, the swirling motion of the wind, the electrical charge of lightning, and by the natural design of the atmosphere itself.

All of these factors work together in perfect harmony to realign the molecular configuration of water, making it more efficient and productive for plants, animals and people.

Our Crystal Blue Water Structuring Units enhance water in much the same way. Their unique design accomplishes one of nature’s greatest miracles of regeneration and renewal by mimicking the natural vortexing motion of water as it falls to the earth as rain and tumbles along a mountain stream, creating a measurable increase in water’s ability to hydrate and nourish plant and animal tissues, penetrate soils and conserve water. This causes crops and livestock (and people too!) to grow better and healthier, as the following video explains.

Think of healthy water as the self organizing liquid crystal composed of the previously mentioned tiny “clusters” of water in perfect geometric shapes that remain forever in limited motion relative to one another.

Together, these clusters have the unique ability to receive, store and convey information and bio-electric energy throughout the entire body, revitalizing and regenerating each and every cell.

​The crystal shape is also small enough to allow the healthy water cluster to penetrate the cell wall (in plants) or the cell membranes of animals and people through a process known as selective permeability. This is something that the larger unorganized collections of unhealthy water are much less able to do. Hence, the reason that you can drink plenty of unhealthy water but still be dehydrated which is one of the main causes for the epidemic of health problems we see throughout society today.A​nd:

This display on the lower right:​

In addition, while the chemical composition of structured water remains basically the same, it tastes and feels much different than unstructured water. It not only feels much “softer”, but taste’s fresher and cleaner. There is also mounting evidence suggesting that structured water reduces or eliminates the harmful effects of chemical contaminants found throughout our water supply.

To simplify, water carries within its molecular framework most of what is needed to sustain and support all life on earth, and structured water is able to perform all these functions in a much greater and highly efficient way. Water physiologist, Gordon Jordahl, who has studied the many mysteries of structured water for nearly 30 years, states:

“Our awareness of structured water is still in the passive phase…and although we depend on this precious resource to live, we have not yet fully understood the mysteries and importance of the role water plays in supporting healthy life processes well enough to take active steps to preserve or enhance its quality, until now. We do know that water in its natural and organized state contains greater caloric capacity to perform work, expel wastes, absorb temperature changes and protect against and enhance various other energetic influences.”

The Science and Mystery of Structured Water

Prior to the Industrial Age, all water on earth was properly structured because, as stated above, this is the condition of water in its natural state. As man has increasingly tampered with the inner workings of nature, the ensuing results have been a catastrophic breaking down and disordering of the natural order – water, soil and the atmosphere. Consequently, man is having to develop means by which to recondition, re-energize and rejuvenate our water supply, our soils and our world.

One of the most unique and newly discovered qualities of healthy water is the presence of bio-photonic energy (or light energy), which is most easily described as the energy of life itself.

“Water is the life blood of the earth. When water is healthy it has a complex structure that enables it to communicate information, carry energy and nutrients, promote healing, self-cleansing
and the discharging of wastes.”
~Viktor Schauberger, Forester, Naturalist and Water Visionary

The following account of the expereiences of Dr, Batmanghelidj in his medical use of structured water is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as CBE’s endorsement of structured water as a medical therapy.

Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj rediscovered the medicinal powers of water while languishing in an Iranian prison during the Iranian Revolution in 1979. Having no medicines available, he chose instead to treat his fellow inmates with prescriptions of water alone, which effected many astounding cures.

It has now been conclusively proven that water records or “remembers” everything that it comes in contact with in a way not unlike a computer hard drive. In fact, we at Crystal Blue Enterprises liken water to a biological computer with an almost unlimited capacity to carry and convey these “memories.” See video below.

When water is exposed to toxic thoughts, chemicals, materials and environments, it remembers and stores the unnatural vibrations of these insults deep within its molecular framework. Water remembers toxic substances like cadmium, lead, mercury, chemical solvents, estrogen, dioxin, plant protection agents, lacquers, acids, artificial fertilizer, phosphates, bleach, softener, etc. This memory cannot be removed by any form of filtration and the toxic effects of these memories remain until they are naturally “cleared” or “cleansed”, which is exactly what we have accomplished in our Crystal Blue Water Structuring Units. For a really good explanation on how toxic thoughts can effect water, please watch the video below.

But water also remembers the healthy, energetic side of all life on earth and serves as the conduit for its expression. Research carried out by the late Nobel Prize Winner and Crystal Blue science contributor, Professor Luc Montagnier revealed that water and DNA responded identically to many outside stimuli and can actually be programmed or “organized” by electro-magnetic and sonic frequencies in the form of photons (light waves) and phonons (sound waves).


Sound waves in 432Hz
(captured by a Cymascope)

Dr. Jacques Benveniste, in 1988, discovered that a material substance could be diluted in water and then be completely removed from it through filtration. Yet the water itself continued to retain the same healthy or harmful vibrational frequency as the removed substance, just as the voice of a singer is transferred and stored onto a CD. ​

In 2002, Dr. Peter Gariaev, director of the Wave Genetics Institute in Moscow, Russia, for the first time in history successfully managed to directly affect genetic information in the DNA of living rats using only electromagnetic frequencies. The information transfer of healing electromagnetic frequencies resulted in a 90% success rate in the healing and rebuilding of damaged pancreatic tissue.

In some of his experiments the technology used was modified to allow for successful wireless transmission of the healing frequencies to the sick rats at a distance of 20 kilometers (over 12 miles!). Extremely weak signals were used. Yet astonishingly, the rats’ DNA was able to read and apply the signals that directly provoked a complete healing in almost every case! In other amazing discoveries of water’s mysterious attributes, scientists at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf in Germany discovered that the structured water surrounding the DNA molecule actually influences the very structure of the genetic code of life itself.

As recently as June of 2016, scientists at Ohio State University, in a ground breaking discovery, found that water plays an integral role in the formation of the body’s proteins. In essense, they got a glimpse into the mystery of why life can not happen without water.

A study in this week’s Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences provides the strongest evidence yet that proteins–the large and complex molecules that fold into particular shapes to enable biological reactions–can’t fold by themselves.

Rather, the work of folding is done by much smaller water molecules, which surround proteins and push and pull at them to make them fold a certain way in fractions of a second, like scores of tiny origami artists folding a giant sheet of paper at blazingly fast speeds.

Dongping Zhong, leader of the research group at The Ohio State University that made the discovery, called the study a “major step forward” in the understanding of water-protein interactions and said it answers a question that’s been dogging research into protein dynamics for decades.

“For a long time, scientists have been trying to figure out how water interacts with proteins. This is a fundamental problem that relates to protein structure, stability, dynamics and–finally–function,” said Zhong, who is the Robert Smith Professor of physics at Ohio State.

“We believe we now have strong direct evidence that on ultrafast time scales (picoseconds, or trillionths of a second), water modulates protein fluctuations,” he concluded.

Zhong, who is also a professor of chemistry and biochemistry, and his team used ultrafast laser pulses to take snapshots of water molecules moving around a DNA polymerase, the kind of protein that helps DNA reproduce.

The key to getting a good view of the interaction was to precisely locate optical probes on the protein surface, he said. The researchers inserted molecules of the amino acid tryptophan into the protein as a probe, and measured how water moved around it.

Water molecules typically flow around each other at picosecond speeds, while proteins fold at nanosecond speeds–1,000 times slower. Previously, Zhong’s group demonstrated that water molecules slow down when they encounter a protein. Water molecules are still moving 100 times faster than a protein when they connect with it, however.

In the new study, the researchers were able to determine that the water molecules directly touched the protein’s “side chains,” the portions of the protein molecule that bind and unbind with each other to enable folding and function. The researchers were also able to note the timing of movement in the molecules.

Computer simulations at the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) helped the researchers visualize what was going on: where the water moved a certain way, the protein folded nanoseconds later, as if the water molecules were nudging the protein into shape.

Water can’t arbitrarily shape a protein, Zhong explained. Proteins can only fold and unfold in a few different ways depending on the amino acids they’re made of.

“Here we’ve shown that the final shape of a protein depends on two things: water and the amino acids themselves. We can now say that, on ultrafast time scales, the protein surface fluctuations are controlled by water fluctuations. Water molecules work together like a big network to drive the movement of proteins.”

What these researchers and others had determined was that water can absorb, retain and also transmit biological information from one source to another by using electromagnetic frequencies. Their results confirm earlier ongoing research started in 1951, by Dr. Piccardi of Italy, verifying water’s extreme receptivity to subtle energy influences.

Ultimately, these amazing scientific discoveries prove that water functions as a universal communication system with the ability to receive, retain and transmit vital life-sustaining information and energy to all living systems on the planet.

As the world’s scientific community begins to appreciate the positive impact of this historic research our science books will need to be rewritten. Additionally, with an expanded awareness of the awe inspiring and mysterious role that water plays in the invisible and visible realms of all life, new and better ways of looking at the role of water in our everyday lives will begin to emerge and take hold to the benefit of us all.